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K.-C. Li, S.-T. Ding, E.-C. Lin, L. Wang, and Y.-W. Lu*, “Melting analysis on microbeads in rapid temperature-gradient inside microchannels for single nucleotide polymorphisms detection”, Biomicrofluidics, 8, 064109 (SCI) (IF=3.668, rank=2/31, Physics, Fluids & Plasma, 傑出期刊)(2014)
H.-B. Cheng, Y.-W. Lu*, “Applications of Textured Surfaces on Bubble Trapping and Degassing for Microfluidic Devices”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 17, pp.855-862, (SCI) (IF=3.218, rank=4/31, Physics, Fluids & Plasma, 傑出期刊) (2014)
P.-C. Kao, K.-C. Li, S.-T. Ding, E.-C. Lin, L. Wang, Y.-W. Lu*, A Bead-based Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Detection Using Melting Temperature on a Microchip, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (傑出期刊, 2014)
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潘奕岑, "實現硬度感知於微創手術之原型系統"
李君垚, "液壓控制可變焦知微流道液態透鏡"
楊博欽, ”微粒體的介電泳現象之討論與研究"
呂彥璋, “觸控系統應用於台灣獼猴行為之豐富化"
張旭棠, “複製蓮葉超疏水仿生之奈米結構表面""
丁偉倫, “光學觸控系統運用在探討台灣獼猴的認知行程過程"
葉聿家, "可撓曲觸覺單元裝置的製作和校正"
張胤民, "單核甘酸多態性之簡易手機螢光檢測系統"